Kinesiology Taping Handout for Frederick Chiropractic Office

Below you will find an image of the kinesiology taping handout that I may give to patients after using KT tape on them in my chiropractic office in Frederick, MD.  I also included the text (below the image), in case you might prefer text over images!

What is “Kinesiology  (or KT) Tape?”

Kinesiology Tape is a special elastic tape that is applied directly to the skin, and has been proven to prevent and help treat many conditions. If you have seen the Olympics or any athletic competitions, you have likely seen Kinesiology Tape! Its cloth-like design allows the skin to sweat and move normally, while still providing tension for neuromuscular feedback. It is latex free.

Who can KT tape help?

Kinesiology Tape has been shown to:

  • help reduce swelling from surgery and sports injuries
  • prevent overuse injuries (from repetitive activities-golf, running, tennis, etc.)
  • help treat overuse injuries
  • help reduce lymphedema

What if KT tape gets wet?

Kinesiology Tape is designed to function in wet, as well as dry conditions. You may shower, swim, and sweat in it, and it should dry in about 20 minutes. DO NOT take the tape off while wet, as this may be painful.


How long will kinesiology tape stay on?

Depending on the body part, it will usually hold its elasticity for 3 days. The tape tends to stay on for less time on the back though, due to conditioners on the skin (when the tape is applied), and because the back moves so much. If it starts to peel, trim the peeling edges with a pair of scissors. This will help the tape from peeling further. Once the tape has lost elasticity, it will completely fall off on its own.


How does kinesiology tape work?

Muscle: The sensory receptors in the skin are activated by the tape, and provide proprioceptive feedback to the brain about where and what the muscle is doing. It helps remind the muscle to contract where the tape is pulling, and keeps the body/limb from moving in the direction that we don’t want it to move.

Skin: The tape adds a “pulling” motion to the skin that helps move swelling away from the taped area

Neurological: Swelling puts pressure on the receptors on the skin, which can cause increased pain, or change in skin sensation. The tape helps to draw the swelling out of the area, which helps the skin sensors communicate effectively with the brain again.

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